YAHOO!! Tonight the Degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred upon me!! Before my friends, family, and fellow classmates, I took the Oath of Hypocrates and did swear to uphold that high standard as long as I shall practice Medicine! I attended Medical School on the British Island of Antigua, but for the last three years I have been doing my clinical rotations in the United States. I guess a few people forgot to get their passorts (New January 1st law) and that is why our graduation is in Puerto Rico, instead of Antigua (which has 365 different beaches....it is a beautiful island!!) People always ask me "What is it like to go to Medical School in the Caribbean?". I always say "It is a rough life.....but somebody's got to live it!"!! HA!! I am so happy to enjoy this moment, and so relieved to have this degree behind me!! Now it is on to bigger and better things!! This week .......A Doctor!!! Next week.......Mother of two Russian boys!! I really was not kidding about going 105 miles per hour! It is life in the fast lane, and life at it's best!! I am so grateful, and I am so blessed!! Let's get going!!
Congratz. What an accomplishment.
Yeah!!! You Go Girl!!!
What a nice graduation gift... a trip to Magadan to get your boys!!!!
What area are you going to specialize in?
WOW! Congrats Doctor Susan. I can think of no greater way to celebrate than to add A and D to your family.
Enjoy the sun
Congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment! You ROCK!!!! :o))) Enjoy the perfect weather before you are thrown in to the freezing temps. ;o)
Oh my goodness how exciting! I'm reading these posts "backwards" and just thought you were in PR for a quick vacation :o)
Congratulations Dr. Susan! Wow!
Susan, I had no idea you were a med student! :) Congratulations!!! From personal experience, you are amazing! It's a tough and hectic life in med school ... you must be SO happy to be done! I have another 3 years, but I know it'll go quickly. What school did you attend? I'm sure I told you that I'm at St. Matthews University.... I know what you mean by "somebody has got to do it!" I love the weather in Grand Cayman, sure beats Michigan, where we are originally from. Have you matched? What field are you going into? Where did you do your clinicals? Maybe you should email me.... don't want to take over your wonderful adoption blog with all this boring med school stuff. haha. ChristenEllis@gmail.com
Anyway, congrats again! Awesome job!
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