Above is the Baby Home in Magadan ( some additional pictures) a.k.a. "Magadan Specialized Children's home, and some housing in the city that is located right next to the baby home. Apparently, the housing in the city is designed more like "flats" or apartments. The housing in the countryside is more like very small, one or two room houses (I will post those later). These apartments pictured above sit right beside the Baby Home. We finalized our travel plans today and we have tickets to travel to Magadan on March 2nd. Some of you know that I had to travel to Puerto Rico on business, a school requirement, which has us somewhat scrambling to get ready for our next trip to Russia. We will only have about 3 days to pack and get organized for the trip. But before we can pack the wool and fur for Siberia, I will need to UNpack the swim suits and sunscreen!! I know you are feeling sorry for me!! We are very much enjoying the beach, sand and warm weather right now. It is so hard to imagine that will experience about a 90 degree temperature change, going from a high of 85 degrees, to dropping to 25 below zero!! I don't care, though. I am so ready to go and bring these boys home!! We can hardly wait!!
Thanks for posting the pics of the baby home. I enjoy seeing more and more of Magadan. I hope you update your blog while you are over there... I know I'll be checking in to see how the boys are doing.
Brandie :)
From sunny beaches (yeah, I know it is a BUSINESS trip so you won't see much of the beach!) to snowy tundra......somehow I think the snowy tundra wins out :o) We will be praying for all of you!
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