I am not sure if Kylen and Alexander really know who Superman is.....but they have certainly had fun wearing these P.J.'s and flying around the house with their capes flowing in the wind behind them!! They feel empowered and invincible!! They have a sense of belonging!! That is what families do for you!!
So cute!
Are the boys biologically related? If not, they look like it... :) so handsome!
Wow, they look so much alike! They are adorable. It's nice that they are growing closer now. Our two sons are not biologically related but people often think they look alike (I don't see it) and that they are twins. It has been heartening to see them grow close to each other over the past 8 months. I know your two little guys will grow closer and closer as they spend more time together and it will mean a lot to them that they are biologically related when they are old enough to understand.
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