Check out these shoes!! Can you believe it?? Yes, that is my boy in the pink socks!! On the day we met him, he was wearing these adorable hot pink sandals, with hot pink butterflies on them!! I wish I had gotten a better picture, but you can sort of see them here from the side. Isn’t he just adorable??
As Wayne and I reflected on our visit to the Baby Home. we were both just thrilled!! We both commented that Little A. had exceeded our expectations. We were thrilled with his outstanding motor skills and coordination (you should see that kid kick a ball….he is first-rate!!). He had exceptional comprehension and his attention span was quite long. He seemed to have a pleasant personality and he was very well liked by all of his caregivers. Angelina, the Director of the caregivers stated that as busy as he was ( when he was running and sliding, laughing and playing), that behavior was only a very small part of what he was capable of!!! She said he could be quite precocious and get into everything!! I was actually somewhat relieved to hear of this, as I had visions of an inactive child, that sat around and could not concentrate….or the opposite: one that could not sit still and focus, and ran from one thing to the next, totally out of control. I had brought with me several different assessment tests to perform on the child to assess developmental level, risk of autistic type behaviors, hyperactivity, etc. As it turned out, I didn’t need them, and I had the reassurance that he was a normal, healthy baby!!
Our in country facilitator informed us that the older brother, age 8, would be arriving in town later that afternoon. He attends a boarding school in the interior of Siberia, still within the Magadanskaya Oblast (Region), but it is a five to six hour drive, depending on the roads, weather, AND vehicle (you can imagine what I mean). Now we anxiously await his arrival and hope the visit with him in the afternoon will go as well as the visit we had with his younger brother this morning.
I just found your blog off of Lauren's site. I just wanted to say congratulations for making it this far! You're little guy sounds like a very bright boy. Can't wait to hear how your afternoon goes with his brother. Best of luck to you!!!!
Are you adopting both of the boys or just the younger one?
I hope the meeting goes well for you!
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